
Best Home Remedies For Ovarian Cysts

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Description: The ovarian cyst is the most common Gynaecological disease in women. Most of the ovarian cyst is benign and do not need to surgery; however, it still causes some discomfort, painful. Home remedies for ovarian cyst will be helpful in treatment.

An ovarian cyst is a fluid reservoir located in the ovary. Most of the women are often worried that ovarian cysts are dangerous. In general, they are harmless and will disappear without medical treatment. Nevertheless, in some cases, the ovarian cyst can make some troubles for you. Without medication, the doctor also encourages them to try to some home remedies for ovarian cyst because of it is natural and quite useful.

What are causes of Ovarian Cyst?

The leading causes of disease come from the following:

  1. The follicles develop abnormally, not absorbing the entire fluid in the ovary which leads to appear cysts.
  2. Fractured blood vessels in the follicles lead to bleeding and formation of hemorrhagic cysts.
  3. Due to hormone levels such as chorionic gonadotropin, luteinizing hormone is too high, leading to lutein cyst formation and adverse effects on the ovaries.
  4. Due to a functional unit in the ovaries called the overgrowth of the luteal phase, menstruation lasts, with severe bleeding.

What is the symptom of ovarian cyst?

In fact, no typical signs or symptom of this diseases. Sometimes, it can have some signs such as: Painful and focus on lower back and thighs, Frequently bloated, the pain is worse when you have sex, Menstrual disorders, Chest pain, sometimes nausea and vomiting, Abdominal discomfort, Difficulty urinating or frequent urination, etc.

Home remedies for the ovarian cyst.

Because it is benign, so you can try some home remedies to reduce it. Here are some easy ways which you can apply.

  1. Balance estrogen hormones: If your body has an unusually high amount of estrogen, you can reduce your estrogen levels by limiting your intake of soy and processed foods, eating more fruits and vegetables. The addition of fruits and vegetables to the daily diet has been proven to help cure ovarian cysts and gradually disappear.
  2. Use Chamomile Tea: It does not only help you relax, comfortable to sleep, reduce the abdominal pain, Chamomile tea also acts to regulate menstruation by circulating blood in the pelvic area and the uterus, thus preventing the formation of cysts. Also, if you drink Chamomile every day, it can help reduce the size of the ovarian cyst.
  3. Apple cider vinegar: It is a mysterious beauty and healthy production also. One of the risk factors for ovarian cyst is potassium deficiencies, thus, using apple cider vinegar can help provide enough potassium level. Furthermore, researchers showed that Apple cider vinegar could reduce the pain due to an ovarian cyst and reduce size gradually also.  Apple Cider Vinegar can help shrink ovarian cysts. One teaspoon of vinegar, one teaspoon of molasses and 1 cup of water will be a great combination to help you shrink ovarian cysts. Apple Cider Vinegar should be taken twice a day until the cyst disappears.
  4. Hot pads: Pain is the most evident symptom which makes you discomfort. Hot pads are very useful in limited the signs of muscle retraction and pain that caused by ovarian cysts. Putting the hot pad directly on the abdomen or pelvic area and hold it for at least 15 minutes to get the best results. You can use a hot water bottle instead of hot pads and use it whenever you feel pain.
  5. Epsom salt: This is one of the best methods to do at home. An Epsom saline bath can relieve the pain caused by the cysts. Epsom salt contains high levels of magnesium sulfate, which acts as a soothing and pain relieving agent. You can add some drops of Lavender oil and soak all the body in 20-30 minutes daily.
  6. Do exercise: The benefits of exercise is lovely. Use for good health, enhance metabolism, help the body is always healthy, supply and kind spirit. You do not need to do heavy physical exercise. Some exercises you can do for ovarian cysts such as yoga and stretching exercises. They are very well.
  7. Provide enough iodine. Lack of iodine causes hypothyroidism leading to ovarian cysts. Therefore, iodine supplements will help prevent ovarian cysts from hypothyroidism. You can provide iodine from foods such as kelp, sea, eggs, milk, hard shellfish like a crab, shrimp, etc.
  8. Beetroot: It contains Betacyanin which helps the liver increase ability to remove the toxic out. It also has alkaline properties that balance the acidity level. They can reduce symptoms of ovarian cyst. You should drink Beetroot juice with little blackstrap molasses in the morning before you have breakfast.

Diet for Ovarian cysts.

Diet is essential for Ovarian Cyst patient because it can reduce symptom and complication of this disease. There is some advice from researchers.

Some food you need to avoid:

  1. Cereals: Cereals usually contains high sugar level. It can cause imbalances glucose in the blood which leads to further development ovarian cyst and risk of diabetes also.
  2. Red meat: It contains the high level of cholesterol. It can make cysts develop into cancer. Also, people also need to avoid meat with high-fat content such as sausage, lamb, steak, viscera, bacon, cheese, butter, sauce, etc.
  3. Fast food: Stay away from fast foods which are low in fiber, low in nutrients such as popcorn, biscuits, pastries, and so on.
  4. Avoid drinks containing sugar, alcoholic beverages, beer, tea, cigarettes, etc. Because it will make the condition worse.

Besides that, Women should provide more vegetables because it contains high vitamin level which can limit the development of an ovarian cyst. The food rich Fe, omega 3 are very good for your health.

The ovarian cyst is the benign and small size and does not to surgery. You can apply home remedies for the ovarian cyst. However, if this method did not make useful for you and combined with painful or other symptoms, you need to see the doctor as soon as possible. Hope you success in ovarian cyst treatment and healthy.



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